Skeholder med rød peber
Out of stock

Caja company

Skeholder med rød peber

149 kr
Æble skeholder
Out of stock

Caja company

Æble skeholder

149 kr
Fiskefad i blå/gul
Out of stock

Caja company

Fiskefad i blå/gul

149 kr
Skeholder med ørred
Out of stock

Caja company

Skeholder med ørred

149 kr
Fiskeformet fad stor
Out of stock

Caja company

Fiskeformet fad stor

375 kr
Fiskeformet fad lille
Out of stock

Caja company

Fiskeformet fad lille

259 kr
Ophæng med citroner
Out of stock

Caja company

Ophæng med citroner

199 kr
Out of stock

Caja company


175 kr
Ophæng med hvidløg og chili
Out of stock

Caja company

Ophæng med hvidløg og chili

675 kr
Festligt skaldyrsfad

Caja company

Festligt skaldyrsfad

749 kr
Skeholder med zucchini

Caja company

Skeholder med zucchini

149 kr
Skeholder med aubergine
Out of stock

Caja company

Skeholder med aubergine

149 kr
Skeholder med gulerod

Caja company

Skeholder med gulerod

149 kr
Appelsin skål Ø15 cm

Caja company

Appelsin skål Ø15 cm

139 kr
Appelsin skål Ø13 cm

Caja company

Appelsin skål Ø13 cm

119 kr
Appelsin skål Ø11 cm

Caja company

Appelsin skål Ø11 cm

99 kr
Citron skål Ø15 cm
Out of stock

Caja company

Citron skål Ø15 cm

139 kr
Citron skål Ø13 cm
Out of stock

Caja company

Citron skål Ø13 cm

119 kr
Citron skål Ø11 cm
Out of stock

Caja company

Citron skål Ø11 cm

99 kr
Figen skål
Out of stock

Caja company

Figen skål

99 kr
Svampe skål

Caja company

Svampe skål

99 kr
Keramisk fiske fad grøn
Out of stock

Caja company

Keramisk fiske fad grøn

149 kr
Keramisk fiske fad blå
Out of stock

Caja company

Keramisk fiske fad blå

149 kr
Keramisk fiske fad rød
Out of stock

Caja company

Keramisk fiske fad rød

149 kr
Andalusia Breakfast kop - Andalusia Blue
Out of stock
Granite skål - Granite Blue
Out of stock
Splash fad- Yellow Splash


Splash fad- Yellow Splash

325 kr
Splash Salsa skål - Madrid Splash
Out of stock
Splash Salsa skål - Yellow Splash
Out of stock
Splash kande - Forest Green Splash
Out of stock
Splash Breakfast kop - Mint Splash
Out of stock
Splash Breakfast kop - Lavender Splash
Out of stock
Splash Breakfast kop - Royal Splash
Out of stock
Splash Breakfast kop - Red Splash
Out of stock
Keramik fad som en fisk
Out of stock

Caja company

Ceramic fish dish - Blue

149 kr
håndmalet keramik fad
Out of stock

Caja company

Spoon holder with toucan

149 kr
Smykke fad eller skeholder med fisk
Out of stock

Caja company

Spoon holder with fish - Blue

149 kr
Strawberry platter
Out of stock

Caja company

Strawberry platter

149 kr
Asparagus dish

Caja company

Asparagus dish

149 kr
Lemon bowl - small
Out of stock

Caja company

Lemon bowl - small

149 kr
Lemon bowl - medium
Out of stock

Caja company

Lemon bowl - medium

149 kr
Artichoke platter
Out of stock

Caja company

Artichoke platter

149 kr